Our Story.

Meet the Wyss’s

Where it began

It started in Tucson, Arizona (our home town) with my wife and I getting a stirring from God. I was a full time pastor on staff at Calvary Tucson and I led the young adult ministry for 6 years. Life was good, ministry was good, but God had other plans cooking.

As we started to sense God’s leading, we prayed a lot. As we prayed, the craziest things would happen and it was clear that God was calling us to leave our hometown, our family and friends, and our fruitful position in ministry to pursue something new.

Expanding the vision…

As we started to share what God had put on our hearts we were shocked. People were not only willing to support us prayerfully and financially, but there were 7 other adults who all made the move to Texas to be a part of this church plant! We couldn't believe it. There was no denying that we were living and witnessing a work of God before our very eyes.

The whole process from the start of God stirring us up to go to when we actually moved was around 3 years. The last 3 months before we left were bitter sweet. Bitter because we were leaving everyone and everything we loved and knew, but sweet because we knew we were pursuing God’s plan for us and our family.

During the last few months in Tucson, we hosted 3 vision nights where we shared all that God was doing and then we set sail to Hutto, Texas on March 11th, 2020 to pursue what God had ahead for us.

Meet the Chavez’s

Sam and Morghan Chavez were the first family to express that they felt called to join us in this journey. We are so incredibly blessed and grateful God brought us all together!

Check out a little of their story before moving out to Texas.

Launch Sunday

We officially launched Sunday services on September 20th of 2020. We started meeting at One Eleven East in downtown Hutto for the first 5 months. It was an interesting time, given that the uncertainly of Covid was going around, but we were called to start a church, and we wanted to be obedient in that.

Church at a Church

After meeting at One Eleven for several months, we were offered to meeting at another local church on Sunday nights. This opportunity was certainly more manageable financially, but the Sunday night church idea didn’t work well...

Church in the Park

So we launched church in the park. For about 8 months we met on Sunday mornings at Old Settlers Park. It was a very sweet time. We didn’t have any fancy gear with us, no sound equipment or lights, but the presence of the LORD was certainly there.

Church at the Chavez’s

Once the weather shifted to be a bit too cold to be outside, we then started meeting at the Chavez house for the winter months.

Church at the School

Then in April of 2022 we were blessed to be able to start meeting at our current location at Nadine Johnson Elementary School in Hutto, Texas.

Our Story

Our story is probably not your every day church story, but one thing is clear - we are the Church no matter where we meet! We have fervent faith and will continue to follow God’s lead so that people may know Jesus.

Come be a part of what God is doing at Fervent